Please read these rules and guidelines carefully. Failure to comply with these rules could result in points deducted or disqualification. Regional entries must be entered online 45 days prior to the competition date. Any late entries will be assessed a $10 late fee per routine.
Size Divisions
Solo, Duet/Trio, Small Group (4-9 performers), Large Group (10-19 performers), Line/Production (20+ performers)
If any act drops below the minimum number of performers required in the group they registered for, the act should move to the smaller group division. In the event of injury or unforeseen circumstances, after the program is printed, the act may remain in the registered group size.
Age Divisions
5 & Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-16, 17+
Determining Age Division Dancers’ ages will be determined by age as of January 1st of the current year. The average age of all performers in a Duo/Trio, Group, Line, or Production determines the appropriate age division. To figure the average, add the ages of all the performers in a routine then divide by the number of performers. Drop the decimal point. You must compete in the age division that the age or age average comes to. The youngest performer must remain on stage for at least 25% of the routine. If a protest arises, all competitors must be prepared to present proof of age. All protests must be presented in writing to the P3 Stage Manager within 30 minutes of the incident. All protests must be signed. Each performer must bring proof of age. We will require this proof be presented in the event of a protest.
Experience Levels
Pinnacle Level - (Advanced) This competition level is for top level competitive dancers who perform at an advanced technical level. Dancers in this level take 5+ hours of training a week. All entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards.
Prestige Level - (Intermediate) This competition level is for “on the rise” dancers, and is recommended for dancers who train approximately 2-5 hours a week. Entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards within this level.
Premier Level - (Beginner) This competition level is for our beginner and recreational dancers with limited or no competition experience, and who dance less than 2 hours per week. Entries will be adjudicated, and will receive High Score Awards within this level.
Prominent Performers - This is a very special program for Special Needs Dancers. We invite any studios with Special Needs students of any sort to share our stage! We know from personal experience that these dancers share the joy of dance as passionately as anyone can, and we are honored to allow them to share that passion with us. There are no rules - we leave it up to the teachers and parents to tell us what accommodations are needed. Dances may be announced simply as "For Performance Only" if so desired.
Determining Level - In recognizing that competing studios may have dancers with different skill levels, P3 has carefully designed 4 levels of competition. We ask that you use each level description as a guideline or suggestion to determine the appropriate placement for each dancer. Studios will be required to assign a competition level for each performer when they are entered in our registration system. Please be certain that you are entering your performers in the proper performance level when inputting your registration data. Because no competition can possibly know how many hours a child dances or for how many years they have danced, it is left to the teachers’ own sound judgement when entering level placement for their students.
The computer will place routine levels based on the level of each individual. Contestants may challenge up a level, but never down. Please check your student roster to be sure routine levels are marked correctly. You cannot change levels at a competition, unless asked to do so, by the director or judges.
*No dancer that is registered in the “Pinnacle” level will be permitted to dance in ANY “Premier” level routine.
Dance Categories
Acro/Gymnastics - Routine using controlled moves such as walkovers, limbers, handstands, chest rolls, etc. Can contain gymnastic passes. Majority of routine must be acrobatic moves or the judges will score it lower. Routine may contain flexibility moves or contortionist moves. Must contain dance moves, steps, and choreography.
Ballet - Routine that must include classical steps and ballet technique. No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed. Ballet shoes only.
Character - Routine portraying an easily recognizable character from a play, movie, television, or Broadway show; or a stereotype such as a farmer, policeman, etc. Can incorporate dance and/or acrobatic techniques.
Cheer - Routine incorporating the use of poms. Should use precise and definite movement. Acrobatics are allowed. No Stunts or tosses allowed. Routine must blend a combination of leaps, jumps, and vocal cheering. The routine should display precision throughout with sharp movements. Hand props are allowed.
Clogging - Routine using clogging technique. No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Contemporary - Interpretive dance using balance, extension, isolations, and control extending beyond jazz and lyrical. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Dance Team - A Junior High, High School, or College dance team. Only groups are eligible. No stunts or tosses allowed. Routine must have and will be judged on dance steps, moves, and choreography. Hand props are allowed.
Dance Team - Pom - This is a style of routine with a strong visible use of pom pons throughout. Precision, transitions and visuals should be a vital component of the routine. ONLY pom pons may be used in this category. No other props are allowed. Poms must be used at LEAST 80% of the time. Poms may have rubber bands that go around the wrists. Male dancers have the OPTION to use poms in their hands. (this is a coaches choice)
Dance Team - Kick - This is a style of routine which showcases a team’s ability to perform a variety of kicks in a creative and entertaining format. Emphasis should be placed on kick control, uniformity of kicks, kick timing, and team stamina. Kick routines MUST contain a MINIMUM of 35 team-performed kicks which are at least waist high. A team kick is one in which all team members execute the kick on the same count at the same time.
Dance Team - Mix - A MIX routine incorporates 3 styles: kick pom, and dance. The dance portion must be one or more of the following: precision jazz, lyrical jazz, or hip hop. Poms must be used during the pom portion. The poms may be traditional or non-traditional. The poms must enhance the visual performance of this section. Props, other than poms, may not be used. A minimum of 12 team kicks (waist height and above) must be executed in the routine. A team kick is one in which all members execute the kick at the same time.
Hip Hop - Routine must consist primarily of hip hop technique. May include street dance, freestyle, funk, break dancing, and acrobatic tricks.
Jazz - Routine must consist primarily of jazz technique. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Lyrical - Routine encompassing the use of balance, flexibility, and control utilizing the lyrics or mood of the music. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Modern - Interpretive Dance using balance and control. Must be contemporary modern style. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Musical Theater - Routine featuring any style of dance interpreting a song from a Broadway show or movie musical. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Open - Any of our listed categories or combination of listed category styles. May contain any amount of acrobatics/gymnastics tricks.
Pointe - Routine must include classical steps and ballet pointe technique. Pointe shoes only. No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Production - A group routine incorporating any style of dance or acrobatics. A production encompasses full use of the stage, multiple entrances and exits, crossovers and individual solo “showcase” moments to create multiple focal points.
Song and Dance - Routine that must contain both singing and any category of dance (tap, jazz, ballet, etc.) Accompaniment must be pre recorded and back up voices only will be permitted. Only 3 gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Tap - Routine comprised of tap technique. No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Vocal - Routine may be any type of vocal presentation. Accompaniment must be pre recorded. No lead vocals permitted on recording. Back up voices only will be permitted. No gymnastic/acrobatic tricks allowed.
Variety - A combination of more than one style of dance or any style that does not fall within any other category. May contain any amount of Acrobatics/Gymnastics tricks.
Inappropriate Movements, Lyrics and Costuming
Choreography, costuming, and/or the use of dance themes such as rape, suicide, murder, sex, domestic violence, anorexia, and dark undertones chosen and/or presented to competition audiences with a lack of “artistic discretion” is considered inappropriate. Platinum Performance Plus appreciates the art form, creativity, and desire to heighten world awareness of these themes through dance but deem it inappropriate to present them to audiences that include children of every age. We recognize that this is extremely subjective and sensitive. An entry that is ultimately deemed inappropriate by Platinum Performance Plus Judges may have points deducted or may be adjudicated only. We urge all studio owners, teachers, and especially parents to keep performances thematically and choreographically appropriate.
Time Limits
Solo 3:00
Duo/Trio 3:00
Small Group 3:00
Large Group 4:00
Line 5:00
Production 8:00
Extended time fees - $10.00 per minute
Extended times allowed:
Up to 1 additional minute for small groups
Up to 2 additional minutes for large groups
Up to 3 additional minutes for lines
Up to 4 additional minutes for productions
Solos and Duo/Trios not eligible for extended time.
*Overtime will result in automatic point deduction of one point or a fraction thereof for every 5
seconds of overtime.
Music must be uploaded in your online registration account 14 days prior to the show. Music can be easily uploaded from the moment you register your routines. Music submitted after 5PM CST on the day the music is due may not be accepted. Studios should always have backup music on iDevice or a USB/flash drive. CD's will not be accepted. Our DJ will not adjust the speed of the music or make cuts in the music. Platinum Performance Plus is not responsible for music left at the show.
Timetable: The timetable lists when each age division, level, group size, and category begins. It also lists all breaks and all scheduled Awards Ceremonies. A timetable will be available and forwarded to the studio email on file, approximately one week prior to each competition.
Competition Format: P3 makes it's schedules based on the needs of each individual competition. There is not a set format. Each schedule is set based on the breakdown of entries (Solos, Duo/Trios, Groups, and Lines) for that particular city. We do not know this breakdown until all entries have been processed. At that time, we set a schedule that will be most accommodating to all participants as a whole. This is in order to utilize competition time in the most efficient way possible. This would not be possible if we were to follow a predetermined format.
Competing Out of Order: Routines are expected to perform in the order they are scheduled. In all cases, routines must be performed during the awards session in which it is scheduled. For any reason, it can be performed for judges' comments only. It will still receive its respective adjudicated award, however the routine will not be eligible for any overall awards, unless first cleared by the Competition Director. Each P3 Competition is run in numerical order. However, you may be asked to compete out of sequence in order to avoid a delay. Please be prepared to perform at least 1 hour earlier than you are scheduled as P3 events tend to run ahead of schedule. Points will be deducted if a routine does not perform when scheduled, unless the Stage Manager grants permission to perform outside of the scheduled time. P3 understands
that there may be unavoidable quick changes in the schedule. We ask that quick changes take place in 3 routines or less to avoid further complications.
Late Changes: There will be a $10 late fee for each change made less than 14 days prior to the competition. This fee must be paid by credit card at the time the change(s) is made.
No change will be permitted at the competition without Director’s approval.
Props and Backstage Area
Props: No dangerous props may be used on stage such as fire, swords, or knives. Live animals are also prohibited on stage at any time. However, general props and gymnastics mats are allowed. All props backstage must be labeled with studio name for identification purposes. P3 staff is not responsible for any props. The putting on and taking off of props is the sole responsibility of the studio. Props must be freestanding. Scenery or backdrops requiring the use of theater fly bars or special lighting may not be used. Special fog and smoke are not permitted. The use of helium balloons will be upon the discretion of the theatre staff, not the P3 staff. Please check the box when you register your routine online if you plan on bringing a prop and write the description of your prop. Please also alert the backstage manager of any props before it is your turn to perform. Any prop brought onto stage without prior approval is subject to cause disqualification.
Checking In Backstage: Teachers should check students in backstage on a timely basis. Teachers are permitted to remain backstage for an appropriate amount of time to prepare their students and watch their performance. Backstage areas need to remain clear of dancers, parents, and teachers and stay organized all other times. Any studio that delays the show
because they are rehearsing will have points deducted from the total score.
Video and Photography
Video recording and photography of any kind is strictly prohibited. Failure to comply with this rule may lead to disqualification or removal from the competition.
We urge all studio owners, teachers, and parents to keep our performances photographically safe. Unfortunately, this rule
has been put in place due to the possible prevalence of people of questionable nature and to protect the work of the dancers and choreographers. Cameras of any kind are not allowed in the dressing rooms. P3 Competition reserves the right to remove the media being used or those using it from the event. Failure to comply with these rules could result in the disqualification of dancer(s) and/or studio(s). Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
All Routines are being professionally filmed and photographed for your purchase and enjoyment. *Please feel free to take pictures and videos during awards ceremonies.
Media Release
Contestants and instructors give their permission to the directors of Platinum Performance Plus LLC to use their pictures and/or video of dances on any form of media in connection with advertising or new coverage. By entering Platinum Performance Plus Talent Competition, all entrants agree that the method and manner of judging shall be at the sole discretion of the directors of Platinum Performance Plus. All judges’ decisions are final.
Additional Rules and Disclaimers
P3 reserves the right to add additional competition days or move the competition location due to unforeseen circumstances.
Any change in competition days and/or times is at the sole discretion of Platinum Performance Plus and will be determined by the amount of time available at each regional competition.
A dancer may never stand, kneel, or lie down above 7 feet from the stage floor level.
A panel of wellqualified judges will judge contestants, and all decisions of the judges will be accepted as final.
Deductions may be made for routines that are not completed. If an uncompleted routine is allowed to attempt a second change, it may not be eligible for top overall awards. This is to be determined by the judges and director. Dancers above the Prestige level that walk off the stage and do not complete their routine will not be allowed to reperform without the consent of the director.
Sportsmanlike behavior is expected at all times. Failure to display proper decorum could result in immediate disqualification.
Epileptics, asthmatics, and people with pacemakers should be advised that it is common for P3 to use Strobe light effects, laser effects, and water/glycerin based Haze fluid throughout the entire competition.
P3 make every effort to align with reputable vendors (photographers, videographers, etc.) at various events. However, P3 is not responsible for any unfulfilled orders resulting in a financial loss for the customer that may be cause as a direct result from the business practice of any of it's vendors.
Platinum Performance Plus rules will be evaluated and enforced on an individual basis, based on what is best for all parties involved.
Inherent Risks
Any performer competing in a dance competition accepts certain inherent risks. These include, but are not limited to, sprains, bruises, pulled muscles, and broken bones. Participation in this competition indicates the acceptance of such risks by performers. Therefore, by virtue of entering this event, it is agreed that participants will not hold Platinum Performance Plus LLC or it's officers, directors, staff, or employees responsible for injuries sustained or illnesses contracted while in attendance and/or participating in any activity related to a Platinum Performance Plus Competition. Platinum Performance Plus and the hosting facility are not responsible for personal injury or property loss to either contestants or spectators.
Theater Guidelines
Please enter and exit between performances only.
Food and drink are not allowed in the theater. To continue getting high quality venues, please be considerate and clean up
after yourself. This includes both the auditorium and the dressing areas.
Baby powder or any other forms of powders are strictly prohibited in the entire facility. Failure to comply with this regulation will be grounds of immediate disqualification.
Smoking is prohibited inside the building.
All dancers are required to wear a coverup while in the theater or any other public area of the venue.
Restricted areas are for P3 staff access only. Do not enter.
Applause and cheering are welcomed and encouraged. Please be respectful and supportive of the dancers and understand that any excessively loud talking can distract the dancers and judges from the performances.
Spectator admission is free of charge.
Judging and Point System
*Download Our Scoring Sheet Here*
Incomplete Routines: Any Solo routine that is not completed the first time, and is attempted a second time will result in a point deduction.
No coaching allowed. Appropriate deductions will be taken by judges for helping dancers while they’re on stage.
All prizes will be awarded to the teacher or director.
JUDGE’S CRITIQUES: All judges will either be on video or audio critiques. You will be able to access your score sheets and critiques via your online registration account.
Awards Breakdown
INITIAL PLACEMENT: ​Each entry will be competing against a predetermined amount of points. Each performance will receive an award for their score. Duo/Trio participants each get a trophy for placement. Group routines receive one trophy.
HIGH SCORE AWARDS PER COMPETITIVE DIVISION: The Pinnacle, Prestige, Premier and Prominent Performer Division High Score Awards will be presented in the following age groups: 5 & Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-16, 17+ for Solos, Duets/Trios, Small Groups, Large Groups, & Lines. Production routines will only be awarded in the 11 & Under and 12 & Over Age Divisions.
OVERALL AWARDS PER COMPETITIVE DIVISION: The Pinnacle, Prestige, Premier and Prominent Performer Division Overall Awards will be combined and presented in the following age groups: 11 & under, 12 & over. The top 10 scoring routines in those 2 age groups will be acknowledged and receive an award.
TITLE SOLO: Titlist winners will be chosen on the basis of the performers (boy or girl) exhibiting the most professional entertainment skills in addition to technical execution. Judges will select titlists in the following age categories: 5 & Under, 6-8, 9-11, 12-14, 15-16, and 17 +. Title upgrades are allowed at the event for an additional fee if time permits. Title winners receive a sash, crown/P3 flat bill hat, P3 Title apparel, and 2nd solo Title Upgrade at Nationals. Title Solo is open to all levels.
P3 PRECISION AWARD: P3 Precision winners will be chosen on the basis of the performer exhibiting fine-tuned skills to produce a pristine and polished routine. Judges will select one registered winner in the 11 & Under age division and the 12 & Over age division. Upgrades for the P3 Precision Award are allowed at the event for an additional fee if time permits. Precision award winners receive exclusive P3 Precision Apparel, scholarship, and Precision 2nd solo Upgrade at Nationals. P3 Precision Award is open to all levels of solos. The title winner is NOT eligible to win.
OUTSTANDING COSTUME AWARDS: This award will be presented to entrants who receive the highest scores based on design, overall impression, fit, etc. in the 11 & Under age division and the 12 & Over age division. If you wish to enter the costume division, please check appropriate box when you register that routine online. All entries in the costume contest will be judged during the performance of their routine. There will not be a special presentation of costume contestants. There is a $40 fee to enter your routine in our Costume Contest.
PHOTOGENIC AND ACTION PHOTO AWARDS: This award will be presented to the solo contestant judged most photogenic in the 11 & Under age division, and in the 12 & Over division. Please bring a recent 5” x 7” or 8” x 10” in black and white or color. Please also write name, address, and height on the back of photo. You may enter more than one photo, but only one award will be given.​ Contestants will be responsible for obtaining their photo from the registration desk after the photogenic awards are presented. Platinum Performance Plus is not responsible for loss or damages to any photograph submitted. There is a $40 fee per photo to enter in our Photogenic and Action Photo Contest.
OUTSTANDING VOCALIST AWARDS: In the Vocal Category, we will be awarding the “Outstanding Vocalist Award.” ​
Note: No additional sound equipment or microphones may be used or connected to the event
sound system. Platinum Performance Plus will provide One (1) wireless handheld microphone
at each Regional. (No headset microphones)
SPECIAL AWARDS: Special Awards will be created by the judges for routines and individuals that will be awarded at each awards ceremony.
At each event, one Choreography Award, Entertainment Award, and Outstanding Tap Award will be given for 11 and under and 12 and over age groups. One Studio Achievement Award winner will receive special recognition at each event. Winners will be chosen by the judges and staff of Platinum Performance Plus.
Our online registration is the quickest and easiest way for you to enter. Create your account through our registration link. Create a roster of all students and then enter your routines. All schedules and routine numbers will be posted for teachers to view on this account. Students can be added, deleted, or modified by the studio at any time prior to the closing of registration.
Entries must be entered in our online registration system 45 days prior to the competition date. Any entries received after the deadline will be assessed a $10 per entry late fee and handled accordingly. It is your responsibility to look online under the “Schedule” icon for registration due dates and when late fees are assessed.
All entry fees must be paid via our online registration by check or credit card, as this is our preferred method of payment. You are not considered a registered contestant unless we have received Payment In Full. Regional and National Entry Fees are located on our registration site. Admission is free to spectators and the general public is welcome. No cash refunds will be issued under any circumstances.
Each studio, via their online account, must make all changes and edits to entries. This can be done up until scheduling is underway.
Independent Entries are welcome.
If you have any questions about these rules, please contact our office.
There are no refunds for entry fees on a Regional or National Level. Gift certificates are issued only in cases of documented injury or illness. These will be issued to the studio.
Entries will be accepted on a first come, first served basis and will be limited to the amount of performance time available. P3 reserves the right to add additional competition days or move the competition location due to unforeseen circumstances. This also includes starting early on Fridays if necessary. P3 also bears the right to refuse entries at their discretion.
Payment Options
Platinum Performance Plus only accepts credit cards (Visa or Mastercard) and checks as form of payment. Full payment must accompany all entry forms. No refunds will be issued unless the competition is cancelled. P3 reserves the right to reschedule the competition due to inclement weather, number of entries, or any other circumstance deemed necessary. Any fees accessed due to insufficient funds will be the responsibility of the studio.
Day of Event Information
The doors to the venue will open 30 minutes to one hour prior to the start of the competition as shown on the timetable. This will allow participants and spectators access to the lobby, dressing rooms, and the P3 boutique. The doors to the auditorium will open 15 minutes prior to the first performance.
* Routines may run one hour or more ahead of schedule. Please be prepared for this possibility. Upon arrival, Studio bags can be picked up at the check in table from the P3 Director, Associate Director or P3 staff, and will only be given to the Studio Director or authorized representative. Platinum Performance Plus LLC is not responsible for any items that are not picked up by the end of the event. Studios will be required to pay shipping and handling for any music, trophies, photos, etc. not picked up by the end of the event. P3 will only send these items out if contacted by the studio and payment of shipping is settled.
Solicitation or advertising of any kind is STRICTLY PROHIBITED.